Activities include:
Sundays: Morning worship at 10 am followed by refreshments. Click here for more details.
Monday to Friday: Worth Park Playgroup (during term time). See separate page for details.
Mondays: Pilates Passion at 1845. Contact Kirsty - 07834 382017
Mondays: Rock Choir from 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm (during term-time). Everyone is welcome and can sign up for a FREE taster session by visiting or call 01252 714276 . For more information about us click HERE
Wednesdays: Guitar club in the Main Hall at 7.30 pm.
Please contact Alan Colby on: 07967 934412 .
Tuesdays and Thursdays: Pilates Class with Katy O'Sullivan. Every Tuesday and Thursday from 7.30pm to 8.30pm.
Contact Katy on: 07840 201024 Website:
Thursdays: Bereavement Support Drop-in Group in partnership with St Catherine's Hospice.
Every Thursday at 1pm until 3pm.
Thursdays (during term time): Rainbows and Brownies
Contact Rainbows: Pauline Hyner -
Contact Brownies: Sharon Garman -
Tel Sharon: 07938 939694
Every Saturday between 2 pm and 4 pm:
Refugees Welcome Crawley meets in the Jubilee Room where refugees and asylum seekers meet together with volunteers from RWC and Crawley URC to play games and chat over refreshments.
First Saturday of each month: OUTPOST PATCHWORK QUILTING GROUP from 10 am to 4 pm in the main hall. For information please contact:
Second Saturday of each month: CRAWLEY COMMUNITY CAFE. The next cafe will be on Saturday 8th February from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm. Please come along and join us for refreshments, fellowship, friendly conversation, quizzes, etc. We look forward to welcoming you.
PLEASE NOTE that the Community Cafe on 11th January has been cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.